Broco Underwater Easy-Touch Electrodes


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Manufacturer: Broco
  • Quality electrodes for the economy market

For many non-structural repairs the resultant weld is allowed more leeway in terms of porosity, inclusions, integrity and appearance. To fill the void between to-code work and economy, Broco® applied its significant experience and knowledge to design a quality electrode specifically for the economy market. The result is EasyTouch® , a moderately priced electrode yielding excellent results. It is easy to light, easy to run (a controllable puddle with rippled bead appearance) and easy to clean. Like SofTouch®, EasyTouch® is a high deposition all-position electrode.

EasyTouch® offers users advantages over other economy priced rods that are more difficult to run, harder to clean, and often need to be grounded and rewelded - all adding to bottom time and increased operating costs.


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